But first, here is your bounty for the scales. Maybe he can craft something useful out of them.Īs for you, I have another mission I want to send you on. Actually, I think I will send these down to Pratt for him to take a look at. Yes, yes, these scales are more than satisfactory. Descrizione With the discovery of the strange gazebo in the heart of the Ruins of Solarsal, the time has come to return to Feathermoon Stronghold and report to General Shandris Feathermoon what has been discovered here. This is my duty to General Feathermoon, and to the stronghold. Return to Shandris Feathermoon in the Feathermoon Stronghold and report your findings. This does not mean, however, that we will not proactively protect our own interests.

Our race is dedicated to the preservation of peace and harmony. Know this - we night elves are not warmongers. If you are here for chit-chat, then I am currently unavailable for such trivialities. , if you're here to verify the task given to you, then excellent - it is ten Hatecrest scales I seek. You'll cut your teeth on the naga for the first time, and we'll have a weakened naga presence on Sardor Isle - both are prospects that play to our advantage.
We need to take aggressive steps to counter that threat before it is too late.īring me ten Hatecrest Scales that are in good condition it should be obvious to you how to acquire them. A Feathermoon Stronghold - near the flight master H Camp Mojache SILITHUS: A Cenarion Hold H Cenarion Hold (note: I dont recall which side of CH which faction is on, but theyre both along the road on different sides of the Hold.) TANARIS: A Gadgetzan H Gadgetzan THOUSAND NEEDLES: H Freewind Post - at ground level, southwest of. The best course of action at this point is to assume that, regardless of what the naga are up to, they will eventually move to secure the island for their own. FMNetOOC - (OOC) channel with the people of Feathermoon.Bring 10 Hatecrest Naga Scales to Latronicus Moonspear in Feathermoon Stronghold.Please note that there is a ten channel limit in-game and that players in one faction that join a channel cannot communicate with players of the opposing faction in that same channel. Gains Upon completion of quests, get: 270 Experience. Your continued service to the General and Feathermoon Stronghold at large is a blessing in the face of adversity.

In order to access any of these channels, use any of the appropriate chat channel commands such as /join. But first, here is your bounty for the scales. Hearth to Feathermoon Stronghold Druid: Mage: Fly from Feathermoon to RutTheran Village, eta 08:39 Take the pink portal to Darnassus Take the pink portal. Players are invited to join these channels and participate in the discussions there. Many of them are in-character or discuss World of Warcraft lore and how it relates to role-playing. She can be found in-game in the Feathermoon Stronghold in western Feralas.Ī number of channels have been established in both the Horde and the Alliance for discussion of various aspects of the game. Considered to be a great hero of the War of the Ancients and the Third War, Shandris is a skilled marksman and hunter, and led a cadre of Sentinels known as the Shadowleaves during the Third War. The Feathermoon (US) server is named after General Shandris Feathermoon, current leader of the Sentinels Army. It is a member of the Cyclone (US) Battlegroup. Server time mimics that of of the North American Pacific Time, which is UTC -08:00 - or UTC -07:00 during Daylight Savings time. Feathermoon (US) was one of the realms available at the initial release of the game. Feathermoon (US) is a US-based role-playing server for the popular MMORPG World of Warcraft. Feathermoon Stronghold is one of, if not the largest Sentinel holdout in all of Azeroth, and at its center is, oddly enough, a giant statue of a human with.